Thursday, June 30, 2011

Freedom is NOT free.

This fourth of July as we celebrate the fourth with our family and friends, I want people to take a silent moment and remember that we're able to celebrate our freedom for all of those soldiers and civilians who gave everything for their country so that we could have this freedom.

The men and women who died during combat, and the many thousands who died because of the horrors of combat.

When a soldier is down in a fox hole firing his weapon at the enemy, whether it was fighting the Japanese, Germans, Koreans , Vietnamese, Iraqis, or Alkida, enemy soldiers, the US Soldier was there to fight for his / her country.

Either through the draft, or through moral or ethical obligation, or just having the will to fight and serve his / her country, a soldier soon learned that he /she wasn't there for mom, apple pie, and the American way. He / she gave it his /her all so that his / her fellow soldier laying next to him / her in the fox hole could survive and come back home.

When you see the horrors of war, bullets, bombs, fire, and the wounds they cause, when the shelling stops, the explosions, the bullets, the screams of fear, agony, pain, sadness, and anger are forever engraved in the surviving soldier's brain.

When a soldier comes home alive, he / she must relive the horrors of war.
The sounds, smells, sights, the nightmares, each and every waking moment.
Yes there's a name for it. P.T.S.D. Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.
The soldiers have it. The nurses, medics, doctors, pilots, who transported and treated them have it.

Yes there's counseling, yes, there's drugs to help numb the pain. But believe me when I tell you, the war inside never ends. This isn’t Hollywood. It’s reality.

Some soldiers turn to alcohol, some to drugs, some to suicide to end their nightmares, the pain and sadness. To stop the screams, the visions, that he / she sees daily.

So this fourth of July, I want each and everyone of you to walk up to a soldier or a veteran and say "Thank You". Thank you for your selfless act so that we may enjoy our freedom.

And before you light the fuse to the smoke grenade, fire cracker, or bottle rocket, remember to you it's just fireworks.

To a soldier, it's a horrible memory of the past they relive with each and every sound of explosion and puff of smoke.

Please keep the horrible memories limited to one day, one night and not endless repeated daily / nightly flashbacks for the soldiers.

Fire off the fireworks on the fourth. Not before and not after.

How do you know if there is a veteran amongst you? He / she won’t be wearing a uniform. 99% of them won’t even be in the area. They will be hiding at home, in their cars with their music turned loud to drown out the explosions and the memories. Or they will be hiding out in the woods reflecting back on those friends, fellow soldiers who never made it home.

Just look around and watch for the man or woman who is standing their clutching something tight, with tears in their eyes. Trying to move through their pain. There is your soldier. Freedom isn’t free. Happy fourth of July.

Sgt Harry Oakes US Army 1974-1977.
7th Div. Combat Military Police.